SAW VIDEO MEDIA ART CENTRE / Centre d’arts médiatiques SAW Video
Established in 1981, SAW Video is a not-for-profit, artist-run media art centre that fosters the growth and development of artists through access to equipment, training, mentorship and programming. SAW Video’s mission is to support a diverse community of media artists empowered by technology, programming and the exchange of ideas. SAW Video’s core principles are independence of expression, affordable access to all, and paying artists for their work. SAW Video values diversity and actively promotes equity for all artists regardless of race, age, class, gender, sexual orientation, language or ability.
67 Nicholas Street
Ottawa, Ontario
K1N 7B9
sawvideo@sawvideo.comWorking Languages
French, English
Expanded Practice Residency Program: March 31, 2020 at 11:59 pm Call for proposals - Knot Project Space: April 5, 2020 at 11:59 pm
approx 65 m2